The strategy for the continuous professional development of teachers is carried out through a unique concept of basic education (study), internship, advanced training, the monitoring system and professional advanvement through titles.
AIM – Advanced training while working is carried out so that the continuous development of professional competence could be achieved.
HOW? – By actively participating in their own continuous advanced training and advancement of educational system; by engaging in the process of the lifelong education with the support of school, centers for professional development, universities, the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Serbia and local community.
THE NEW INSTITUTIONS FOR SUPPORTING THE DEVELOPMENT OF EDUCATION AT THE NATIONAL LEVEL – The institution for advancement of education; the institution for evaluation of educational quality.
THE STRUCTURE OF THE INSTITUTION FOR ADVANCEMENT OF EDUCATION – The center for strategic development; the center for the program and textbook development; the center for professional development of the employees; the center for advanced and art education.
THE CENTER FOR PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF EMPLOYEES – NATIONAL LEVEL – Advancement and development of the system for professional development of employees in the institution itself; exams for getting trading licence for teachers, educators and professional associates, as well as the licence for principals; the evaluation of the quality concerning the realization of the program for the continuous advanced training of employees; offering professional and pedagogical help to teachers, educators and professional associates; cooperation with teacher training faculties, universities and other professional institutions at home and abroad.